aperture the opening in the lens that allows light into the camera body; variable in size and expressed in f-numbers or f-stops aspect ratio the ratio of the width to the height of a frame, commonly expressed as two numbers with a colon between them, eg 16:9 composition the arrangement of visual elements in any one frame cutaway a shot or scene in a film which is of a different subject from those to which it is joined in editing cutting on action an editing technique where the editor cuts from one shot of a subject to another view that matches the first shot’s action depth of field the area of a frame, in front of and behind the point of focus, that is considered acceptably sharp DSLR camera digital single-lens reflex camera exposure the amount of light allowed to reach the camera sensor or film GoPro an HD-quality, waterproof video recording device that can be worn or mounted on vehicles, popular for capturing action and adventure sports...
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