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If it is truly pitch black, it’s important to get some kind of light source from somewhere, and to make sure that your subject is facing the light source.

Use any light source you can find and experiment. Sometimes pointing a light directly at a subject can give a harsh look, and make them squint, so try bouncing the light off a wall at them. Try lamps, torches, candles, anything you can find – then plan your shots around where the light is best.

If you have a light on your smartphone or camera, turn it on. Alter the ISO levels to let in as much light as possible. Beware that increasing the ISO will add grain to your footage, so get to know your camera and figure out how much grain is acceptable to you before the shot becomes unusable.

Staying zoomed out will let in more light, as will lowering the shutter speed and opening up the aperture.

Be focused
Be aware that a wide open aperture will make focusing trickier as it will give you a shallow depth of field, so double check the focus before you start filming.
