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Talking to camera seems simple, but takes time and practice. The most natural way is to ‘vlog’, aka to hold your camera up with one arm and talk to it.

Start small. The bigger the camera, the more intimidating it will be to start talking to it. Start with a smaller compact camera, like your smartphone or a point-and-shoot.

Check your lighting. Nothing is worse than vlogging with your face half lit with odd shadows, or completely in the dark, so choose your positioning with care.

Learn your camera’s field of view. With practice you will learn to imagine what the camera sees and the frame it will be filming. If you have a flip screen, you can use it to check your frame, but make sure you flip it back to avoid the distraction of staring at the screen.

Keep it short, simple, concise and to the point. Holding a camera up gets very tiring very quickly. This isn’t an article or blog post, and if you’re not used to talking in front of people, it will be very hard to hold the viewer’s attention for longer periods of time.

Use the five Ws. If you are stumped on what to say, tell the viewer who you are, where you are, what you are doing, when you are doing it and why.
