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You will probably need to film yourself in a public space at one time or another – a less than pleasant prospect if you’re easily embarrassed.

People will stare at you, yes – but it’s no big deal. We live in a selfie culture now: it’s very normal to take photos and videos of yourself. For those who look at you askance, don’t worry: chances are they will never see you again and will forget all about it in less than five minutes.

Find a good spot, turn the camera toward you, forget about the onlookers as much as you can, and just talk to your camera. When finished, instantly look down, look away and keep walking. If you don’t make it a big deal, those around you won’t either.

If you still simply cannot deal with people looking at you, step aside from the group so you are not in earshot. Find a wall, a corner, a tree or just a larger open space, and when you’re finished join back in with the group.

Act casual
The less you pay attention to the people around you, the less you remember that they’re even there and the less awkward and embarrassed you will be around them.
